* Broodmare Livery - Preperation - Covering - Pregnancy Care - Foaling
Help and advice on pre-pregnancy care and choosing a stallion. Although delighted for you to choose one of our stallions standindg at New Priory we are also very happy to offer our services to accomodate your choice of any stallion available
* AI Covering Service with full support from our experienced stud vets
First class livery care for your in-foal mare with individual requirements provided on request
Foaling down in our state of the art foaling unit combining the best of modern technology with many years of practical experience
*Fixed price Veterinary Packages
* Mare and Foal Livery - Weaning
Mares and foals turned out in sociable groups providing a relaxed and happy enviroment for your mare and the ideal start for the foal to develop essential interactive skills in a small herd.
Weaning takes place in a safe and controlled enviroment with every consideration to make the process as smooth and stress free for both mare and foal.
* Foal Livery - Our groups of foals grow, learn and have fun on our excellent large mixed grass pasture with frequent daily checks plus any required farrier and veterinary attention
* Youngstock Livery - right through to time to go away for breaking!
* We also have fields designated for resting, rehabilitation and retired horses with every care given.